Thursday, December 8, 2011


In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, the Especially Merciful
Can anyone prove there is no God? On what basis does anyone say there is no God? What is life all about if there is no God? Are there then really morals and values if there is no God? Who made up these values and morals by which we live?
Is the degradation of the value system because people are denying the existence of God?
Are people too lazy, perhaps too selfish, too distracted to accept God's rights over us?  - seems that nobody is really sure ... but do they not believe in anything???
Atheism is a cop-out. God has challenged these so-called atheists to prove their theories, but rather all they do is deny.
Can any atheist say that they absolutely never use a word that may perhaps depict God or a higher being?
God is in no need to prove anything - He does as He will - but He has given us enough evidence to believe and for those who believe for them to further strengthen their faith
It is difficult to argue with an atheist since they have little idea what they are supposed to believing.
Every person is born pure - yet their parents/guardians have an influence in their formative years. But it is this purity with which we are all born that recognises our Creator except that through our own misdeeds (which results in a cloud over our thinking and our hearts) we seldom recognise the Truth and our Creator's rights over us.
The question is simply: If those who don’t believe in God, i.e. atheists, are wrong and by extension those who believe in an unseen creator, God, and therefore also believe in a  paradise, if those people are right – will you not regret missing out on the real life (in the hereafter)?
On the converse, assuming the atheist is right and there no God, well then we both equal when we die. We are just dead – right?
The question therefore remains – are you so absolutely sure you are so right that you will risk the big prize? You are comfortable playing “Russian roulette” and you do not perspire one bit. You have insurance on your car and house and you even life assurance (for the benefit of others) – but you refuse real insurance?
For the atheist, it is a cop out that they refuse to think about it and are irritated by those who remind them.
Believe it - there is a God!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Suicide or Honour

In the name of Allaah, Most Gracious, most Merciful

Suicide - Can you imagine the trauma a family goes though when someone takes his/her own life. To those who suffer depression or for whatever reason contemplates suicide - remember one thing only - that

you are from God Almighty and to Him you will return.

Live by that and always know that He knows better than you - He, God Almighty, created you and to Him you will return. If he wanted you to kill yourself then suicide would have been an honourable thing. It is only honourable to place your trust firmly in Him, your Lord and Creator, and to take on your challenges. No man/woman is given more that they can bear, but there are no shortcuts, your limits will be tested.

This life is always temporary and the real life is yet to come. No test is easy except for those who curry favour with the examiner in this case - and your Lord God loves that you do that and He will pless you for doing your best to please Him.

Life in this world is like the blink of an eye - stay the course, and be close to Him who will reward you for that little bit of patience - there is a Garden of Bliss!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Mother

Blessed am I that you have been chosen as my mother
With every action with love you do smother
How is it that even though with the difficulty that you bore me
Not once did you ask of me not the slightest of fee

No doubt strict you were and never short of a rule
But learn I had to as certainly you were to me a school
Today you have reached yet another milestone
And still an opportunity for my disobedience to atone

Now, My Lord knows, how I wish to you I was an ideal son
So I offer to make amends and pray you reach a ton
And judging by your good health I pray it’s really so
Having you is like having a river of blessing that flow

I say these words being fortunate still to have a mother
And not a chance that I could ever swop you for another
As much as you have done for me I have a request
Since by my Lord the prayer of a mother is always blessed

Please, o please forgive me for whatever I did that made you sad
And I urge you pray to our Lord that He erases all my bad
In turn, daily with every opportunity, I continue to pray
That ultimately that you be granted paradise as a place to stay

Before then that He grants you good health and long life
Filled with much happiness and not an iota of strife
Mom, just for being Mom, how can I ever thank you
Mom I love you, I do I do I really really do


The poet said: “The mother is a school: if you prepare her properly, you will prepare an entire people of good character, The mother is the first teacher, foremost among them, and the best of teachers.”
Diwan Hafiz Ibrahim, 282. Published by Dar al-Kutub al-Misriyyah.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Invitation to a Place of Bliss

I would like to invite you along to a place so magnificent it will be bliss
If only you knew even a little of it you certainly won’t resist
The journey will be short although at first it may appear long
United in goal, we will help each other be strong
The place is real awesome, has everything unlike you’ve ever seen
If you get to know the Owner you will know what I mean
Accepting the invitation may indeed seem like a quantum leap
For then you will be on a path with much reward to reap
There is no immediate rush for you to accept this invitation
But I fear you may be swayed by short-term temptation
For my destination is to a place where the fun never sets
All those on this path, rest assured, will not have any regrets

Join me on a place of gold
And make it your final abode

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

She will forever be in my heart

She will forever be in my heart

A child looks bemused at all that is before her
Why is it that at my home all these people gather
Some faces are strange, yet others I know
The movement of people is a constant flow
Many teary-eyed murmur a prayer
This really looks like people who care
I need to make sense of all that is going on
And where, o where, has my mommy gone
There she is, so quietly she is lying
While some around her I can hear crying
It is so not normal a place for a bed
And see how some people kiss her on her head
They are calling for me to do the same
I know for sure this is not a game.
More prayers and then she is carried out
I have some idea now what this is about
Today my mommy has moved house
For now my daddy will be without a spouse
As she is hoisted and placed on the cart
I know she will forever be in my heart
O Allah I know you have taken my mommy away
Grant Paradise for her as a place to stay