Sunday, September 15, 2013

Points to Ponder

Those who are dependent on a job have not learnt that self-sufficiency may be a better option. Do it and trust your faith in God Almighty

Have you ever considered leaving a legacy? Let’s understand the concept and seek the change both within and outwardly to leave this legacy

Every cloud has a silver lining. Exploit it firstly by being grateful for it, then through action to benefit from it & reflect always on it

Do right now, for the moment to seek forgiveness may pass you by as certainly those you oppress may not have the energy to forgive later

The comfort of the heart lies in the ultimate success, the goal we all have to yearn for and work towards .. Paradise is for the successful

If you not seeing progress in your life, then ask yourself "how am I spending my time and my wealth" .. Spend time to comfort the heart

No one owes you a salary except that you have worked for it. You want to earn more but what have you done to improve yourself, for progress

Becoming debt-free doesn't happen by spending recklessly. Credit comes with a noose. You cannot escape the death trap but u can the debt trap

No matter your status, rich or poor, if you don't have concern for another and add value, then your own life may lack value.. Do good to all

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Dawn of Love

It has been 17 years since we met on the beautiful autumn morning
Outside the air was crisp while inside I tried to warm it with some humour
But I did contemplate then with that meeting a new beginning was dawning
And soon it became reality what was at first spread in the halls as rumour

 The years were fleeting yet the experiences are much to talk about
As in all relationships they were great times and others unfortunately sad
But the love that I have for you therein lie most certainly little doubt
The bond I feel with you can surely not just be a passing fad

 Much happened, but nothing that ever happens can be so for no reason
With a strong bond so easy it was with you by my side that we grew together
That we weathered the storm in winter and blossomed the following season
Our love is heavy on the scale but it only makes the heart light as a feather




Sunday, March 31, 2013

Ah Love

If only we can really understand that life is very short
And yet much of what we do often amounts to nought
Be we must always pray that others will understand
Especially when all things do not always go according to plan
We pray that everything we do is blessed
And we keep on doing what must always be our best

While it is success we crave both here and beyond
But it is easier when together we build a strong bond

So we strive hard so that others we may please
But never ever that our love do cease

For those who remain special in our heart

And we give eternal thanks that to God

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The rose

The Rose

I picked up a bunch of roses no doubt attracted to it by its smell
Ah and when this is given to a loved one it is a means to make all things well

The beauty of the rose is reason we often compare a woman to one

Such that even the lady protects herself like the rose with its thorn

Certainly we look beyond the thorns when we indulge in the beauty of the rose
But treat her gently and with this rose your love for her you expose

Truthful though you need to be for from the heart you must give
The way to ensure that all the good does not disappear as if through a sieve

So my beloved I present this to you to further enhance the love I have for you
Then perhaps with your normal gentleness you will express your love for me too

But even if your love for me does not run deep through the veins like my love for you
Even though sad, how can I ever feel offended by it for to your feelings you are true

For my love, for my roses I give you I ask of you nothing in return
I know it may take much more than that for me your love to earn

Even when not seeing you I can most definitely still compare you to a rose

And my love for you I shout from the rooftops so that everyone knows