Thursday, April 1, 2021

A moment in Time


A moment in Time            


Every thought envisaged and every prayer said, is just another moment in time that has passed by

Man was not created to live eternally in this world which is but an abode for a finite time until we die

Yet Satan, the horned and accursed one, has so easily found the weakness of man, a somewhat forgetful creature

Desiring paradise, but considers not time his friend, even just a moment in time,  and so seek, in this world, eternal leisure

Those, who truly understand, will know that life on earth is not that long, but it is merely a moment in time

The eternal life of paradise with its beauty does await us, save for those who will commit the ultimate crime

Fooled are they who seek only the pleasure of this world and look to dominate and mastery of all other

Alas by their guile, under the misguidance of one undoubtedly evil, they do poison minds and clear thinking smother

How amazing a creation are we not, such that to God we owe gratitude for the perfection in truly amazing detail

Our worship is as flawed as the harm we bring to our bodies when we recognise not what the rights of our bodies entail

An immune system well organised to ward off alien invasion except that you follow not the guidance of its Creator

Eat from that which is wholesome from the ground which He made fertile through the rains he sent as a blessing

Nay, man is impatient and ungrateful, finding ways that bring harm to himself as he with his body is messing

The Most Perfect Creator has left nothing to chance but gave respite to Satan to mislead man if he really can

Like the Pied piper does Satan lead man astray as he diverts from the true guidance as he does plot and plan

Subjugate them and make them forget that life in this world is nothing more than a moment in time

Offer to save lives with the deadliest of means for which they will hurriedly line up like it is showtime

Beguiled and befuddled are the masses by masters who have much love for the dollar like there’s no end to this life

Truth is belittled and trampled upon while the tsunami of lies does cause many a painful death and earth-shattering strife

The best of speech is that of our Creator so take just a moment of time and attentively you must lend an ear

He says “then which of the favours will you deny?”  amongst which is the well-designed body whose harm you now fear

Why then do you challenge your Most Merciful Lord with your insistence of getting help from Satan and his cronies

When his promises are false and they are those who today are masquerading as your saviours are but indeed phonies

Eat from the wholesome food from your Lord, the Best Provider, and refrain from a needle that in it has only harm

When you realise that your life on earth is but a moment in time, place your faith in God and not a shot in the arm.






Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Clock Ticks

When your time is due
Others' lives won't stop for you
Each life has his own clock
But this is your last tick tock
No one knows your pain
Knocked about without restrain
It's time to say goodbye
the tears swelling in your eye
You had a chance to do good
Not always as you should
It's all now at an end
One last prayer to amend
Now they he was so young
Is the story that is far flung
He had no way to tell
But he was rather unwell
A last sigh a final breathe
He was overcome by death.

Friday, November 2, 2018

The greatest father

I had a dream, I had a dream to be a great father
But in truth it takes more than one person to be that father
For without offspring that was never a dream to be true
Blessed indeed am I that I have a son like you

If what you have achieved was mostly to please me
Understand in your life it is always between you and He
Always a parent is anxious for his child that he may fall
Fearing to get up and not battling to win the ball

How you straightened my back since I too must meet expectations
Of a child who since young was great with his recitations
He loved always to kick a ball and loving the playground to be the field
While as a dad I think only that I must from the dangers you shield

I realised and understand that your life and era is a time beyond us
Watching you grow you may not have understood the fuss
It's not about the detail but always about the goal
For I may not live to see it all as from my body departs my soul

But you are smart and wisdom will come with time
Life is more than a poem that has some rhyme
It is to love and be loved and be the greatest son
For without him no father can be great when all is said and done

Ah the pride when a father sees his child facing the world with strength
Overcoming obstacles and with perseverance triumphs at length
The world's greatest father is he who has the greatest son
If I had to do it all over I'll will have you replaced by none.

As the clock ticks by, rush not into another year
Enjoy your youth and approach the future with no fear
Arm yourself with conviction, faith and determination
Stay true for this dad is for you full of admiration

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

It's all about love

It's all about love

The best part of love is to feel your warm embrace
Even though I so dearly love to look at your face
But being cuddled and holding each other tightly
Such that to separate us will take something mighty

How I love to listen to your heart beat
For it's in the heart that love has a seat
With quiet thoughts words need not be spoken
Since to know love silence needs to be broken

Love is special for the one who dedicates time
The heart beat is clearer than the poet's rhyme
It's your love that is what I have always needed
About you I have never anyone's advice heeded

So let me ask you sincerely to be mine
How devastated I'd be if you were to decline
It's only your amazing love that so energises me
There's no one else I want to be close to but thee