Monday, April 22, 2013

The Dawn of Love

It has been 17 years since we met on the beautiful autumn morning
Outside the air was crisp while inside I tried to warm it with some humour
But I did contemplate then with that meeting a new beginning was dawning
And soon it became reality what was at first spread in the halls as rumour

 The years were fleeting yet the experiences are much to talk about
As in all relationships they were great times and others unfortunately sad
But the love that I have for you therein lie most certainly little doubt
The bond I feel with you can surely not just be a passing fad

 Much happened, but nothing that ever happens can be so for no reason
With a strong bond so easy it was with you by my side that we grew together
That we weathered the storm in winter and blossomed the following season
Our love is heavy on the scale but it only makes the heart light as a feather