The sign said turn right and you turned left
A setback and losses from it will make it like theft
It is true that sometimes left is right
Confused you ask whether I'm alright
It is always about knowing your bearings
Planned to the point you avoid red herrings
Life is but a road on which we travel
Avoid danger lest it causes things to unravel
But risks we must take for it's not about fear
Although we tread carefully with what we hold dear
Never you think there's not a message in this
For dismissing life's lessons you end in an abyss
So in a nutshell I must advise you on this matter
Keep your eye on the road avoiding idle chatter
Plan a path to success and consider not to fail
For always think of the wind when you do sail
So going from left to right is about direction
But doing right is to ensure your plan gets traction
Risky it may seem when opening a door or two
Knowledge brings more certainty in what you do
With conviction we are positive we stay strong
Results will reveal itself it won't take long
Patience though for you place constraints on time
We can keep shifting but everything has its paradigm