Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Little thoughts

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful


Let your mind respect through your actions the rights of God and rights of man,and likewise,persuade your companions and relations to do likewise- sayyidina Ali RA

Make my day for it’s for my provision I pray- I will be on my way as there is little time to play lest I am one who will stray- to Him I pray

Have you noticed the one who is so arrogant he even has a high opinion of his own opinion .Lets be humble and make like a humble-bee – hummmm

Spend out of that which you have been given. If you cannot say even a kind word, then you are a miser, for you have good within you -use it.

In your eagerness to please the 1 you love, you rush to buy flowers for the 1 you love. BUT Remember the flowers are from the One you ought to love

To fulfil one's purpose in life one must ensure ideal ingredients and the ideal method to apply it - the goal is Jannah and Islam is the way

Of the many lessons learnt from "the early bird catches the worm" is one of PURPOSE .. being goal oriented ...there is no time to be aimless

"the way the cookie crumbles". Sometimes an excuse in life. Perhaps first examine the ingredients used and then the method to mix it together

In the changing of the seasons are lessons for the changes in our lives, be it daily or otherwise. We are grateful for rain as we are for sunshine

Let your mind and heart be one of fertility - so that your actions may not be of futility

As you plan your daily activities, plan your life knowing that your daily activities will end, so too will your life- what is beyond it for you

While everyone's provision has been ordained, this is no excuse for being complacent, rather it’s the key to strive your utmost and be grateful

Being productive is to fulfil your responsibilities to those who have a right to your time

As the sun rose this morning with its beautiful golden rays ..what an awesome reminder of opportunties for him who rises and starts early

If you give direction to your life you are likely to get to your chosen destination while being aware of all the dangers and favours along the way

Success without Faith in the Creator wll be short-lived. True success is sweet but needs patience at first

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Quotable Quotes

In the name of Allah, The All-Merciful, the Especially Merciful

An Atheist is like an investor who only has downside risk on his investment, i.e. his investment is exposed only to losses & nothing to gain
A believer is like an investor who continually builds on his portfolio(of good deeds)& invests in others while it will naturally benefit him

It is great that u have a good retirement plan. Retirement,only a few years, will so not be forever BUT the life AFTER will be - plan well

How do you feed your body but not your soul .. it is like washing your clothes and not yourself ... mmmm .... does the exterior only count?

We often spend as if we are deserving of our provision/sustenance. Little thanks do we give to the Sustainer, Our Creator, Allaah.

If your kids are rude, bullying, vulgar, lie, and misbehave - YOU are to blame. And if people avoid you to protect their kids its only fair – Yahya Adel Ibrahim

The Prophet sala Allahu alihi wasSalaam said "Verily, a man teaching his child manners is better than giving one bushel of grain in alms."

Rather than making business your life.. make life you business and perhaps you will appreciate your earnings more

In anything, one should have a positive approach rather than adopting the negative by finding fault with others & looking to "destroy" them

Make a concerted to be positive today and every day. Make the decisions that will benefit you and fear not the whims and fancies of others

Contentment & apathy are not equal. Is it not odd that people claim contentment in their jobs yet blame the bosses for their own problems

We read biographies of important people to learn from them & then FOLLOW their way. The BEST biography is that of Muhammad bin Abdullah PBUH

Just as the body grows lethargic without exercise, so too does the mind grow dull without reflection and thought. – Yasir Qadhi

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Contentment & apathy are not equal. Is it not odd that people claim contentment in their jobs yet blame the bosses for their own problems :(


Sometimes we accept our lot saying it is what God-Almighty or even "fate"has decreed. So even when we are uncomfortable in what we do for a living we continue to do so, when in fact doing our best to please our Creator is what is expected of us. Do the right thing for you starting with placing your trust firmly in God Almighty and then what you do after that will inshaAllaah be more beneficial to you, your family and your community.