Monday, September 15, 2014

I will miss you

 I dedicate the poem below to a dear friend, Faadiel Nordien (1954 - 2014). One only truly appreciates a person when they are no longer there. But, allow me to say a few words which is a dedication to him and I say this with all love and respect.
I pray that Almighty Allah showers him with His mercy and grant him a lofty place in Paradise - Aameen 
I will miss you

People celebrate anniversaries in so many different ways
 Today we celebrate the anniversary of our friendship
 Along the years you taught me much so I sing your praise
 Simple, down to earth, on your shoulder was never a chip

 But one quickly learns about you, the prankster and joker
 Quick-witted and subtle you were in your humour
 Causing red faces while straight-faced you were as if a game of poker
 Many a time most were caught while likely in a stupor

 You taught me without fear of me eclipsing you in ambition
 Rather you were to most a mentor and a friend
Upon reflection, no doubt you quietly bore pain and rejection
 This clearly did not stop you from your normal trend

 So many years have passed since we first did meet
 And our Lord knows best why He chose this day
 That our friendship on this earth must be complete
 You have left for greener pastures while we do stay

 Never a goodbye to a friend but rather farewell, so long
 I have not met a person but from him a lesson I did draw
 Perhaps about you I should write a book of lessons so strong
 I remember the day we met but now in this world I will see you no more


#faadielnordien #mentor #prankster #anniversary


  1. a lovely dedication to a true friend it seems

  2. A really true reflection on the character we came to love and the lighter moments we all share
